Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Well that was unexpected

So I know I haven't been posting in a while but I'll get you up to date with what's been going on. 

So I haven't seen my RE in almost 6 months. I've stopped all artificial treatments and have taken up eastern medicine, aka natural remedies. I've been doing acupuncture and herbal treatments and it has been amazing!

The acupuncturist I go to is an actual doctor and not some person who just specializes in acupuncture. He told me that my BBT was low and have given herbs to raise my temps. Believe it or not, they have worked! The acupuncture is extremely relaxing! Talk about distressing yourself! They say that's a key point to address while trying to conceive! So if you're trying and maybe want to take an alternative, more natural route to conceive, try acupuncture!

My experience with acupuncture is nothing but positive. The needles do not hurt. They're so tiny that your don't even notice them. The acupuncturist pinpoints specific areas on your body and inserts a needle to that area. When I first went, my doctor placed a needle near the arches of both of my feet, on the top of my feet, near my shins, two under my underwire of my bra, one on my sternum, one on each wrist, in between thumb, couple on my ears, and pointer finger, one in the middle of forehead, and one on the top of my head. After that, he focused more on my abdomen, trying to increase blood flow while still placing the needles in the stress areas (feet and hands). 

Other treatments he has done is electoacupuncture which where he places tiny alligator clamps to the needles and delivers small amounts if electricity to specific areas. In my case, it was my abdomen. Another method was infrared laser treatment. This is supposed to focus on the areas where the needles are inserted and to enhance what the acupuncture is trying to accomplish. For me, this was an increase in blood flow to the uterus in order to thicken the walls for conception. The last treatment I've had are basically suction cups on my abdomen. Again, the purpose is to increase blood flow. 

Along with these treatments, I've been taking herbs. These herbs are to help with reproductive health. They also increase blood flow while increasing my BBT. I haven't experienced any side effects which is nice. 

I'm still charting my BBT but I'm also using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor. It was somewhat confusing to use but I'll try to break it down for you.

When you first get it, you cannot use it unless it is CD1 thru CD5. CD6, don't even bother. Just wait for your next cycle to use it.  There will be an "m" button near the screen. This sets what cycle day you're on. When you set this button, it also sets an internal timer. This timer gives you a 6 hour window. So if you set you "m" button around 12 pm, you can test between 9 am and 3 pm. This works for me personally because I work a graveyard shift, this allows plenty of time to test on my on and off work days. So plan ahead on the time when it's best for you to test. 

Now, this test shows you your low "non fertile" days, your high fertile but not quite  ovulating days, and then your peak ovulating days. Obviously, if you're in the mood on your low days, by all means, go for it. On your high days, take advantage! Then your peak days, that's a no brainer. 

When I first started, I had so many peak days. I think it's maybe just the monitor adjusting to YOUR body? But then it seemed to regulate my 2nd time I used it. Both times it did not indicate I was ovulating. Also, I wasn't doing acupuncture. My third round with the monitor, I had started the acupuncture and herbal treatments. Low and behold, I OVULATED! CD12. I'm very excited but it's very surreal. So hopefully I'll be able to take a pregnancy test in two weeks and I'm praying that we'll have our positive! 

This is what a high date looks like. 

And this is what it looks like when you're ovulating! 

Wish us luck!