I forgot to mention some pieces of advice:
- Don't make it chore when you're trying for a baby (the act that is). There is nothing worse than to kill the mood when you feel forced to do "it" because you (or if you're a guy, you're female partner/wife/girlfriend) happen to be ovulating or you think you can be ovulating soon. Make sure that it stays romantic and enjoyable. I know I dont want to remember conception as a stressful thing. I want to remember it as my husband and I being romantic.
- Be sure to spend time with your partner. There are going to be times when women can be quite snappy, mainly because of those darn hormones (remember in Knocked Up when Seth Rogan and Katherine Heigl had their spat in the doctors office?) Men will naturally become distant to give their girlfriend or wife some room. Sometimes this can lead into arguments and this is all okay! It happens. But make time for each other and remind each other the love you have for him or her. Sort of keeping with the above listed advice, keep the romance alive! If you feel overwhelmed with all of this, try holding off your TTC (trying to conceive) efforts and focus on each other.
On a side note: I say partner because I am a firm believer in not being biased. There are many couples who want to have children together but don't want to be married. So I don't want to tailor my blogs to only those who are married. I also want to include gay and lesbian couples as well. All walks of life can experience things my husband and I have experienced (although men won't be able to really relate to woman-specific problems, like ovulation) but I want to welcome everyone to this.
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