Now I have some pretty exciting news! I've started really cracking down on doing my OPKs (ovulation predictor kit) and charting my basal body temperature. I have never been able to get a faint positive line on my OPKs but since my HSG, I have witnessed my first (and second and third) faint lines! Now OPKs are similar to pregnancy tests in the sense of detecting a specific hormone and usually you have to use urine in order to detect these hormones. The difference is that OPKs detect what's called LH (luteinizing hormone) and pregnancy tests detect your hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). You need your LH to be high enough to successfully ovulate and OPKs will indicate that. With OPKs, they will have a control line which will be dark in color and the test line will be darker or as dark as the control line if it's positive. If it's lighter or there's no line, it's considered negative in the sense that there isn't enough LH to successfully ovulate. When you do get a positive OPK, usually you have anywhere between 24 to 48 hours before you ovulate which'll have to get busy. ;)
So since I was never able to ovulate, I've never been able to see any thing on my OPKs. Since my tubes have been cleared, I've been able to get the fainest positive line I've ever seen. I was so excited that I decided to start looking on for OPKs and was lucky enough to find that Wondfo (a producer of OPKs and pregnancy tests) was selling 100 OPKs and 20 pregnancy tests for around $25. That's a steal considering that you can get 20 OPKs at Target for about $10-$15.
Since I have started testing, I've had 3 faint positives and they seem to be getting darker. I've read that it could mean nothing considering that they're considered negative but then I've also read that some women experience a fade-in result meaning that you can potentially see a pattern of your OPKs starting off very faint and gradually getting darker until you get a positive OPK. If you have a regular and consistent menstrual cycle, it would be easier for you to predict when your ovulation day (O day) would be. I unfortunately do not have that regular cycles so it's a little hard to predict. But I'm hoping I'm experiencing the fade-in process and will see my positive OPK soon!! The nice thing is, if we are able to get pregnant this month, my estimated due date would be September 10, 2013....mine and my husband's anniversary date. I'm so cheesy but I think that's adorable.
A website I'm starting to become addicted to is It has basically all the in's and out's of peeing on sticks, both OPKs and pregnancy tests. But if you want to see what a fade-in process is with OPK's, here's the link :
I thought this was pretty cool and it gave me hope for my OPKs. I am keeping tabs on my tests to see if there is any pattern at all and I'll keep posting them on here to keep you all up to speed too!
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King Jr.