So I have my HSG scheduled for later today! I'm nervous as all hell but I'm antsy to see what happens. I've been praying that everything looks ok in there and my body is just regulating itself. I'm a little scared that it may hurt a little (or a lot) and that they will see that my tubes are blocked. I'll be ok with one tube that's obstructed (although I'd prefer none to be) but if both are blocked, we'll have to start saving for an IUI. So, please pray (or if you're religious, send positive thoughts) for me that everything looks good! I'll still try to post the video or pictures of the process on here in case you're curious.
I'm on day 10 of this new cycle and aside from the ruptured cyst, everything has been pretty good. I'm not bleeding as nearly long as I was with the previous cycle (thank God!) and I've noticed some hormonal changes that coincide with a menstrual cycle. Maybe what I needed was the cyst to rupture in order to get everything working right. Now I haven't really posted much because it's now just a waiting game. Even though this is the first cycle I'm not on any type of hormone treatment, I'm still going to try and record my basal temperatures and try using OPK (ovulation predictor kits).
On a side note, I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! I for one am excited about this Christmas and New Years because in about 5 years, I don't have to work it and I can finally spend it with my family! (Yay me) My piece of advice, don't stress the small things, pick your battles carefully this holiday season, and enjoy family and friend time!
"Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save." - Will Rogers
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