So, since my last update, my RE has received the results back for all the tests she needed for me. Good news, I was negative for diabetes (yay me). Bad news, for some reason, I have an issue with insulin. Now I didn't really understand what the exact problem was so I'll have to have her explain again what happened. She did say that my blood showed an increase in toxin levels in my liver. She said that drinking alcohol can contribute to it but for those who know me, I don't really drink. Another thing that could cause this is my weight. So this should be a big enough booster to start shedding those unnecessary pounds. It'll be hard but I need to change my lifestyle. Another possibility: I could've over exercised. Sounds like a lame excuse but I read that if you overexert yourself around the time you need to have blood work done to check your liver, enzymes can become elevated showing abnormal levels. So, I'll have to have my primary physician take blood again to check if it is a correlation with my weight and or if it can be related to the amount of exercise I did a couple hours before (I started doing Insanity and let me tell you, it really is insane). So because of the strenuous amount of exercise I did (and I didn't really do anything that hard before in a couple of years) I'm hoping that this is the reason my enzymes are elevated. I'll keep you updated on that issue.
The next test that my doctor wants me to take is called a hysterosalpingogram or HSG for short. The purpose of this test is to see if there is anything wrong with the uterus or if there is a blockage within the fallopian tubes. You're probably asking (or Googling right now), how are they going to check to see all of this? Well sit back and I'll explain. Basically, radiologists will inject a type of dye in the uterus and watch on a screen (in real time) to see if the dye is able to travel up from the uterus into both fallopian tubes and secrete into the abdomen. The dye will naturally be absorbed into the body. Now if there is an obstruction in the fallopian tubes, obviously the dye will not exit it and stay inside. With this dye, radiologists will be able to record if there is anything else wrong such as an abnormal uterine shape. So cross your fingers that none of my tubes are closed. We've been dealt pretty crappy cards in this hand of poker and we'd really like some good news.
Along with the elevated number enzymes, my RE does not want to put me on Metformin because it can elevate the enzymes even more. She suggested that we try injectable hormones. The downside (aside from the obvious poking of the needles) is the cost. They run about $70 a pop and I need 10. Holy smokes! I for sure can't just spare $700 just like that. I am not going to break the bank for this. Don't get me wrong, I want a baby. I want to become pregnant. I want a family but I'm not going to drive myself into debt and low and behold we get pregnant. Then we're stuck with a financial conundrum. I don't want to start a family like that. If this means that we start saving, then that's what we have to do. I have been looking for assistance programs. There are several sites believe it or not that do offer some type of financial assistance or break. There's one pharmacy called that offers the injectables at about $70 per unit and if I understand it right, will reimburse you roughly $62? so about $8/unit. This is awesome granted that the reimbursement is via mail in rebate. The downside is that we would have to pay $700 upfront.
So all of this is really taking it's toll on us. I'm always hoping to hear some good news and great strides of progress but it seems like we keep going down dead ends. I won't lie, today was hard but I just need to have my pity party of 1 (or 2 if the hubby wants to join in) and then I can get over. Like I've said before, I'll have more good days than bad but I can't help to have the bad. I have those thoughts of mothers and fathers who want nothing to do with their kids and why they were blessed to have children but we're having such a difficult time with this. I think that's what gets me upset the most. But I am really trying to stay optimistic and think that my HSG will be normal and maybe this cycle, I can ovulate! Keep your fingers crossed!!
"Success or failure depends more upon attitude than upon capacity. Successful men act as though they have accomplished or are enjoying something. Soon it becomes a reality. Act, look, feel successful, conduct yourself accordingly, and you will be amazed at the positive results." - William James
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