Friday, January 18, 2013

I'm here!

Sorry I've been MIA for a while. With the craziness of the holidays and a small trip with the in-laws, I decided to take a beak from doing OPK's and whatnot. It has actually been somewhat relieving not to chart temps and analyze mucus. Along with that, I am so excited to announce that my husband's cousin and his wife had their first baby! They welcomed their son early Christmas morning and was as healthy as can be.

So I don't really have any new updates. Any OPK's I took were negative for ovulation but then again, I stopped doing them so who knows if I ovulated.  I'm currently on cycle day 46. Cycle days (CD) are basically how long your cycle runs for.  It starts on the first day of a flow from a menstrual cycle.  So the typical cycles are about 28 days. I called my RE and she said that this is pretty typical with someone who has had an HSG.  I'm not worried nor am I stressing about anything. 

I'm still trying to work on gettings those darn pictures of the HSG. If I don't start a new cycle here soon, I'll taking a trip to my RE and I'll get those pictures sent to me. 

I do have to say, the other day I had the urge to go baby outfit shopping. Holy moley! Number one, those onsies are EXPENSIVE! And what kills me is that babies apparently grow fast so they aren't even in those onsies for long! Secondly, when you dont even know what you're having, it's best to buy gender nuetral colors. I bought one for a girl and one for boy. Needless to say, twins would be awesome or at least if we can have a boy and then a girl (vice versa, beggers can't be choosers). Judge me all you want. I loved it and it was fun.  It's those guilty pleasures that keep me sane as far as trying to get pregnant is concerned.

I hope everyone had a great holiday and very a happy New Year!

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”  - Jesse Owens

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