Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oh Lordy!

Well I hope everyone has been doing well!! So from my last post, I have not been back to my RE for any treatments. I've slowly changed my lifestyle as far as diet goes which was our game plan for now. I have to say, it's working! I got the best OPK result thus far! It's not a positive but it's pretty damn close. Unfortunately, our TTC efforts were put on a hold for a bit because of some health issues I was facing.  I experienced severe esophagitis which made me feel miserable and you know what feeling miserable can do to you...not make you feel like you want to be doing any type of "baby dancing". So, we've had some bumps in the road but we're overcoming them.

The game plan for right now is to continue with the progress of weight loss. My work schedule is difficult to schedule workout time at the gym. I work strictly nights and I'm on call everyday I don't work. It's definitely not an excuse but just like changing my diet, I have to start somewhere and just get used to it. I'll contact my RE soon and see if I can start Metformin and Clomid shortly and see how everything turns out!

Thank you everyone for your continuous support!

"If you're going thru hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

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